No More Comments.

If you’ve noticed, I rarely update this page.  Part of the reason is the non-stop deluge of comments from people making demands, trying to buy things that I’ve made pretty clear aren’t mine, and people trying to sell organs – which I can safely say are 99% scams.  Well, congratulations dumbasses – no more comments.  I am DONE with your laziness in finding out about things like:

A) Where you are.

B) What the purpose of the place you are is.

C) What a blog is.

Half of you people seem to think I’m running a store, even though it says RIGHT UNDER THE TITLE

“No. I don’t own them. Stop asking!”

And you run your mouth at me making demands like “I need this manual.  I will pay five dollars.  I need you to get it here by Friday.” without even checking to see if I have the manual in question or if you’re actually in a store!

And then there are you sad, sad old folks who are all to willing to give up your personal info, credit card numbers and all to a total stranger you’ve never even seen in hopes of getting the organ pictured.

Enough.  I warned you months ago, but nothing has changed.  You’ve just about killed what joy I had in doing this blog.  When I get an email saying that a new comment awaits my moderation, I literally GROAN.  I really wanted to just have a blog where people came and drooled over crazy organs, maybe talked about their experiences and shared videos etc.  There have been a few of you that did just that.  To you I say thank you and also I’m sorry.  You were who I had in mind when I started this, unfortunately there are many more Archie Bunkers out there, ruining it for the rest of us.

Calling All Manuals!

Next to goofballs trying to sell their organs – which I expressly forbid without craigslist / ebay representation – the next question I’m asked is for manuals.  This is tough as there aren’t many available online as most of these instruments predate the internet as we know it by 20 years or so.

So this is my request: send me your manuals in PDF form and I will store them here!  If this amount gets big enough (unlikely) I will move them to their own dedicated site!

The organ community NEEDS this service more and more each day, so if you can – Please Do!  I will make sure to credit you, unless you don’t want me to.

If this sounds good to you, send me your manuals – user or service – to:

mars hottentot (at) hotmail dot com (remove the spaces and turn ‘at’ into ‘@’ and ‘dot’ into ‘.’)

Thank you in advance and hopefully we see a few manuals in the near future!